Mrs. Averell | Teen Ink

Mrs. Averell

March 30, 2014
By Anonymous

Mrs. Averell

When you think about high school classes, you may think about having to sit through teachers just saying the topic word for word. Then after you just sat through that lecture you barley know anything and you don’t want to go back. Well the teacher I am about to tell you about is the complete opposite of this and is more than just a science teacher. This amazing teacher is Mrs. Averell; and she makes science class above and beyond interesting. When you hear about what she does outside the science class, you will wonder what she can’t make interesting to learn.

Coming out of middle school I knew that in science class you basically just do math with labs and nothing else. When I came in to Mrs. Averell’s class, changed everything. She made the formulas that you had to learn seem more relevant in the world by giving you great examples of how they are used. With most of the labs she taught, she would always have some kind of experience with the subject with a real world story. She is also very easy about everything she does; she doesn’t try to kill you with impossible problems. Even if she does, she will always give you hints about how to do it. If you are really lost, she will explain it in a way everyone understands.

She is very enthusiastic about expressing your creativity at certain times, and she wants you to use that to help you solve problems. I have joined the Science Olympiad team, and Mrs. Averell is the coach. She lets you use all sorts of methods to get something done. When we work in this club, we basically only need her to get us started, then, you know what to do after that. Sometimes along the way you may get really stuck, but she gets you going again fast and easily. She knows how to let you do things on your own, then, she knows when to help you when you’re stuck and always has the best solution for your problem somehow.

Now if you somehow were able to do badly in her class she can always help you out. She will always try to find something to boost your grade to what you need. This doesn’t come so easily; you do need to show that you are getting it without her helping you too much. This can be achieved because of how flexible her schedule is. She truly wants to help in any way possible so you understand what needs to be learned.

Well what else do I have to say about her. She teaches an amazing science class that never gets boring. Science Olympiad is where it needs to be and is getting better due to her help throughout each groups project they have to do. Plus, if you are ever going to fail her class, she will help you get it back up. It will take a lot of work from you. She always be able to have time for everyone. Mrs. Averell is most definitely the Educator of the year for 2014.

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