Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By GabrielleP BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
GabrielleP BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I nominate my teacher Mr. David Crist for Educator of the Year. He was honestly my favorite teacher throughout middle school because he was the only one I could tell stuff to if was having a problem. He would always understand things not only from his point of view but also the students. He had all the students trust.

Mr.Crist has taught me since I was 5 years old until the age of 14 . He was always fun and outgoing, and to me he was not that strict . He was everybody’s favorite teacher but mine especially. He would always give second chances and would never give up on you no matter how many times you’d fail . His classes were also fun to be in because there would always be debates and so many questions we wanted to know answers to. He was a cool teacher that I felt fun around and know I could joke around with him .

Sometimes my class would make him mad, and he would show it. Those times he did yell and get mad, everybody listened. l took him seriously but really serious when he got mad . But in the end or the next day, he would be fine. He never held a grudge against you or anything like that, but he would tell you the truth when we got out of line. He was everybody’s friend. I never met anybody who didn’t Like Mr. Crist; He is special to everybody .

Sometimes in the morning before announcements, I would sneak down to the gym with a friend and go say good morning or hello. There were times when he was not at school, and I would see him the next day I would say why weren’t you here, and he would tell me why, and I usually gave him a weird stare. I have also had a lot of fun times with Mr.Crist. We both liked golf and enjoyed most of the same players and a lot of other sports. One thing I would always ask him is what did you eat for dinner,or breakfast?He always had something new and healthy to eat,especially in the morning.

You should definitely choose Mr.Crist for Teen Ink’s Educator of the Year. He has always had trust from everybody. IIn middle school, he was everyone’s favorite and he would always know what is going on in the classrooms. He would know if you were upset or if anything was wrong. He will be a teacher that I will always remember forever, so I nominate him for Educator of the Year.

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