Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By Madison86 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Madison86 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Hi. Can I please speak to a manager? I’m here for an interview.” I could barely spit the words out. I was so nervous, I had turned a deep tomato red. As I walked toward the office, a man greeted me and opened the door for me. He then introduced himself: “Hi. I’m Shane Benevides.” Immediately I sensed his kindness. I shyly admitted I was nervous and he laughed and said I’d be fine. He was right and few weeks later, I was hired.

As the months went on at Walgreens, Shane and I grew closer and I felt a real connection with him. From learning how to work the register, to becoming a beauty advisor, to a photo technician, he’s been with me every step of the way and he is always there if I have a question.
One day, a customer needed me to make a photo book for them, but I wasn’t quite sure on how to do it so I called Shane over. He came over and said that neither was he, but that we’d figure it out together. Slowly but surely, the photo book was completed and I knew I didn’t have to be embarrassed to ask for his help when I needed it.
Not only does he help me become a better employee, but he also helps me be a better person as well. He’s like my big brother. I can tell him about what is going on in my life and he’ll sit there, listen and give advice. Shane enjoys telling me stories about his life experiences and he helps relate them to mine to and help teach me a life lesson.
My junior year, I was really struggling with my grades and as a result, my parents grounded me. I told Shane what was going on and he shortened my hours, so I could get extra help. He then routinely asked me about my grades and if I was getting them up. This annoyed me, but it did motivate me to study harder and do all of my homework since I would have to report to him and I didn’t have the heart to lie.
Shane Benevides is by far not only my favorite educator, but my favorite manager and a great friend. He has taught me so much in the 2.5 years I’ve worked at Walgreens that I will never forget. He has really impacted my life and that is why he is my educator of the year.

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