Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By KylieRae69 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
KylieRae69 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I started my first job in the summer of 2013 after finishing my sophomore year of high school. I was so nervous the whole first week. I was the newest employee and knew I would be judged by my co workers. On my second day of working, I had the amazing pleasure of getting to meet and work with my manager Natalie.
Natalie was still a teenager like the rest of us working in our small Subway shop. She understood when we needed off and when we needed more hours for gas money and insurance. She understood me the most because quickly I learned she graduated from the same school I attend. She understood which classes were harder and if I talked to her and said I certain teacher said this or assigned, that she knew exactly where my frustration was coming from, because she physically went through the exact same thing and knew all of my teachers.
She taught me more than how to just be a good manager. Natalie had to work hard to get her credits together so she can graduate early, because by the time early graduation happened, she had just learned she was pregnant. I can't imagine how scared she was at first. When I met her, she was seven months pregnant. She was so happy and excited for her child to come. For being a teen mom, she didn't look scared or worried about this affecting her life at all. She was so good at looking at the bright side of her pregnancy. She took unexpected time off of work because her baby came almost a month early. She was so strong and just hours after her child was born, she was already sending me pictures. You can just tell how blessed and happy she was. For all of it to happen unexpectedly, I'm shocked at how she only saw the good. I've never seen a better mother than how she is with her adorable six month old son, Keegan.
She's been such an inspiration on me at work and helping me with my school life too. But seeing her as a mother has pushed me over the top to know how she has impacted me. She may not having a teaching license, but she's taught me more than anyone I know. I'm so proud of who she is and how she only looks on the bright side. For being just 19 years old, she's truly the greatest mother, friend, and teacher that I know.

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