Jeff Staus | Teen Ink

Jeff Staus

March 31, 2014
By kevinstar SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
kevinstar SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Over the course of my 16 year soccer career, I have had many different coaches both good and bad. I have had 12 coaches each with unique learning experiences. Out of all these coaches, though, one stands out the most: Coach Jeff Staus.

Coach Staus is the Arrowhead High School Boys Varsity head coach and he goes above and beyond what most coaches are expected to do. Coach Staus knows soccer is more than just a game and he emphasizes how critical it is to develop good character through the hard work we put into our sport. Each season, Coach Staus has a different theme which consists of different phrases or quotes about hard work, determination, perseverance, and positive character traits.
It is very important for Staus to keep this tradition of hard work and determination going strong in the program each year. This is why he has one key quote that epitomizes what it means to play for the Arrowhead Warhawks. I have heard the quote endless times during my four years in the program: “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” This quote, although short and simple, is the backbone to Staus’ coaching philosophy and means that no matter how talented our competition may be, if we outwork them, we will always be successful.

Although these themes may seem cliche to many, Coach Staus effectively instills the theme’s message into his players over the course of the season. This is a huge reason for the consistent success of the Arrowhead soccer program. Staus has led his teams to more conference titles than any other team or coach in the Classic 8 Conference, which is a massive testament to his coaching abilities.

What sets Coach Staus apart from all the other coaches I’ve had is that he is by far the most passionate. It is easy to see he truly cares about his team, which is why he is able to connect so well with his players. This chemistry greatly contributes to the success of the Arrowhead soccer program.
A prime example of Staus’ intensity and passion for coaching is one of his halftime speeches last year. We were surprisingly losing to Waukesha North at home. Our entire team was playing very lethargically and we were being outworked by a not as talented North team. Staus knew he had to do something to get us fired up for the second half. Staus gathered us around his little whiteboard and stared us down for a few seconds until suddenly, without a word, he smashed his Expo marker, shattering both the marker and board. He then went on to give a speech about what it means to play at home in front of our fans and how he won’t allow us to be outworked on our own field. We then went on to come back and force overtime and eventually win the game in OT.
Coach Staus isn’t the most successful coach in the Classic 8 Conference without reason. His success comes from his unique coaching style, which allows him to get the most out of his players through hard work and teamwork. He is more than just a soccer coach. He is also a life coach. Over the course of a season, he instills traits and characteristics into his players that not only make them better soccer players, but better people as well.

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