Chris Martin Arrowhead High School | Teen Ink

Chris Martin Arrowhead High School

March 31, 2014
By masonkatie SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
masonkatie SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Luke 6:27, 29 "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."

It’s ninth hour, and almost to the end of the day. There’s one more hour; can I make it? When I’m in math class, I don’t even think about that. For some classes it can seem like ages to me, but not in class with Mr. Martin. A teacher, who can keep me interested in math? Impossible! But Mr. Martin does just that.

Mr. Martin is one of the coolest teachers I’ve ever had and not just because he watches The Walking Dead and The Big Bang Theory. Even though that’s a plus. His Jeopardy games before a test are a good example. For each category in the game, he puts a quote from a movie that he thinks is funny. It’s basically a review of a chapter and the winning group gets 3% added to their test. Everyone enjoys it and it’s a fun way to end a chapter before a test.

Mr. Martin is unbelievably helpful. He is willing to help all of his students. I’ve had math teachers who don’t have time to help or refuse to help me because “I should figure it out on my own.” Mr. Martin goes above and beyond what’s expected. Mr. Martin goes through all the examples in the notes which really helps in the homework.
As a former Arrowhead graduate, he is a teacher so dedicated to his job. It is like he was born to teach math. He is fair, kind, and funny. He is also respectful to all of his students, organized, and very relatable. Mr. Martin is someone I can talk to about anything. Whether it’s about my work outside of school or just someone to have a laugh with, Mr. Martin is awesome!
When I first got into Advanced Algebra, I thought it would be the hardest class of my life. But boy, was I wrong. I actually understood a lot of it! Thanks to Mr. Martin, I’m actually getting As on quizzes and high grades on tests. When I’m in college and I reflect on all the positive memories at Arrowhead, I’m going to remember Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin is an unforgettable teacher.

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