Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By Anastasia19 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Anastasia19 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of The Year Essay

Butterflies twisted my stomach in a knot, as I tried desperately not to forget to breath. I felt like I was the only person in the school who didn’t have a friend in every class. This was my first day of freshman year. I felt like I was playing some form of Russian Roulette with each class I went to. I would either love this class, or hate it. I remember having to make my way to Health Careers, which was my only class upstairs. After humiliating myself by passing the stairway for what felt like fifty times, I was not in the learning mood. Little did I know that I would have my first encounter with the teacher that has left the biggest impact on me: Mrs.King.

When you first meet Mrs.King, you can’t help but to feel her kindness radiate. She is beyond friendly and super funny, in kind of an innocent and quirky way. I knew right away that she was different. She is able to apply what she taught to connections in the world. Her seemingly endless energy wants to keep you engaged. After Health Careers, I purposely signed up for classes I knew she taught, just so I could have a chance to be in her enjoyable learning environment. Since my freshman year, I have had two more classes with her. Every class I would stay hooked to the lesson until the bell rang.

I started to spend a lot more time with Mrs. King when I got accepted into the Health Youth Apprenticeship Program, which she coordinates. She immediately became a confidant I would bombard with questions daily. I had convinced myself one of those days she was going to try and dodge me like a bullet to save her sanity. To my surprise she welcomed every question, and actually encouraged more.

She is the reason I am the first student at my school to get hired at a hospital through the Health Youth Apprenticeship Program. That job is the one thing about myself that I believe defines me the most. I have become very mature, caring, and responsible while working there thanks to Mrs. King. She has helped give all the other Youth Apprentices and me a head start on our futures.

If I could create the perfect educator for me, Mrs. King would be ideal. I can’t help but be attracted to her caring nature and her fun style of teaching. She is also an excellent educator outside of school too. No matter what way she interacts, I’m given a comforting feeling of encouragement and inspiration. That is why I believe Mrs. King is undoubtedly the most deserving candidate for Educator of The Year.

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