Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By KaitlynH BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
KaitlynH BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Let’s just say coming to North Campus scared me. I had no idea what to expect, but then I met Mrs. Hamilton. You see I have a learning disability, so everything is harder for me. Mrs. Hamilton, on the first day, sat down with me to see what she could do to ease the tension away from me. She made the transition easy to deal with and she helped me get into the swing of things.

I couldn’t have gotten very far without Mrs. Hamilton. She is like wonder woman without the cool outfit. She didn’t just focus on what she could help with at school, but she also focused on whatever I needed help with, whether it’s a problem with friends, problems at home, or just problems that I just needed someone to talk to. She will sit down and actually listen to me and offer me advice. Mrs. Hamilton is always there to try and help figure everything out right along with me.

Mrs. Hamilton is very unique in the fact that she takes time to actually sit down and get to know each student. She doesn’t just assume. She wants to try and get to know who everyone is, what they like to do, and what she could do to help you get to where you want to be.
Just last month, she was a huge help when I missed a lot of school due to two surgeries. When my dad asked her about make up work, she told him not to worry and that I would be caught up in no time. She sent out an email to all of my teachers explaining where I was and asked about getting homework for me. She did this so when I came back, I would be caught up in no time at all. When I came back, Mrs. Hamilton had gotten homework from every teacher and was ready to work with me when I was ready to do the work.
She is so much fun to have conversations with, and she is so personable and relatable. Talking to her is like talking to a best friend. She always wants to know what's going on and if I need to talk about anything. She always keeps me on top of everything. If I am getting behind, she will sit down with me and help me out until I are all caught up with my work. She is one of the only educators I have ever met who wants to actually take the time to get me to where I want to be. I can talk to her about everything and anything. She is loud. She is fun. She is caring. She is Heidi Hamilton: my supervisor, my mentor, my friend.

The author's comments:
I wrote about who I think is the best Educator of the Year.

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