Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By rhiannonlynnnnn GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
rhiannonlynnnnn GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
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English class has never been my forté. I can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and write a paper like it’s nobody’s business—but public speaking is NOT my thing. But Mr. Feuerstahler changed all of that. His stern, yet somehow easygoing attitude has made me feel more comfortable talking in front of people.
Because I’ve been bullied, my confidence isn’t exactly through the roof. During my sophomore year, English was nonexistent—it was speech class. It seemed as if we never learned grammar or read books. Instead, every couple of months, there was a new speech. You’d think that would prepare me for future speeches…well, you’re wrong because junior year was just as rough when it came to giving speeches and presentations. Now, I’m a senior. This is my second year in a row having Mr. F as an English teacher. And slowly, but surely, he has transformed me.
I admit I still get nervous when I have to give a speech. But when the time comes to read my paper to the class, I don’t feel the sudden urge to run and hide in the corner bathroom stall. I get up there, I give it my all, and I don’t cry when I get back to my seat. Believe it or not, this is progress. This is because Mr. F is really encouraging and supportive and he always makes sure to tell me I did a good job.
As I previously mentioned, Mr. Feuerstahler is stern AND easygoing…And I’ll explain what that means. Mr. F is passionate about teaching, no doubt about that. But he doesn’t force students to do something they don’t want to do. He does, however, make sure they understand the consequences.
He is a great mentor. I feel completely comfortable asking him for help and answering questions in class. I feel like I’m on a different level with him than I am with other teachers, and I could run into him anywhere and have a conversation about anything and it wouldn’t be totally weird. He’s just one of those nice guys.
My English teacher, Mr. Feuerstahler, has helped me come out of my shell and he made me realize that teachers CAN be your friends. He has helped me exceed in things like grammar and writing, and he has given me the building blocks to improve in my weaknesses like giving speeches and presentations. This year, I have done better in English than I ever have and it’s all thanks to my teacher, Mr. Michael Feuerstahler.

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