Untitled | Teen Ink


March 31, 2014
By stinapjevach GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
stinapjevach GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Good Morning, youngsters!” Mr. Hall shouted at the beginning of class.
After signing up for Anatomy and Zoology class, I knew my semester was going to be tougher than anticipated. Science classes were easy for me until I took Anatomy and Zoology. Then, I realized the abundance of information I had to memorize.
But Mr. Hall taught me techniques and shortcuts to make memorizing information easier. He gave our class class time to sit with groups and make note cards to study for upcoming tests or quizzes. I was not used to having class time to study with other people or to be able to ask the teacher questions on the spot. Because I was exposed to a new studying technique, I received higher grades. I became less timid when I wanted to ask a teacher questions because Mr. Hall showed me it was okay to ask questions--no matter what.
Not only did Mr. Hall help me discover a new way of studying, but he also added energy to my mornings. I had his classes the first two hours every day for a semester. In previous years, I would be tired and unalert in the morning--but not in Mr. Hall’s classes. His excitement and energy made me excited to learn about the new information he was teaching.
My fondest memory from Mr. Hall’s classes was the dissection unit. The swift movements Mr. Hall demonstrated while dissecting organisms along with concentrating on the upbeat disco music in the background made me feel like I wasn’t in an ordinary classroom.
Mr. Hall offered extra help. He was willing to stay after class or help during lunch to make sure all of the students were prepared for the material. Mr. Hall went above and beyond as a teacher to let his students know that he cared about them.
“Go out there and make somebody smile!” Mr. Hall would shout after the ending of every class.
The jokes, encouragement, and guidance Mr. Hall shared with me influenced me to nominate him for this award. He has made an unforgettable impact on my life as well as other students lives through his teaching.

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