Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By Anonymous

From school, gymnastics, dance and diving, I have had a countless number of coaches and teachers. But the one who sticks out in my mind is Kellie Plath. Miss Kellie has been part of my life since I was three years old; she is my dance teacher. She has not only taught me how to dance, but also how to live a happy life.

Miss Kellie has the passion behind everything she does. Everything she does has a reasoning behind it- she just doesn't do it to do it. This doesn't make her a regular dance teacher. While she is teaching, I can tell she loves what she does and she also cares so much about how the dancers are doing. Everytime she teaches, she relates it to something us dancers can relate to. She always says, “I know I am not as young as you, but I once was and I know how hard it is to find the passion behind something.” She understands that there are things going on in our life and she tries to make you think and relate it to yourself. If a dancer doesn't get the choreography, she will spend extra time with that dancer until she gets the choreography. Miss Kellie’s passion has affected me so much that I am going to take her passion with me in the future.

Not only is Miss Kellie an amazing dance teacher, but she is also an amazing role-model. There have been days where Miss Kellie and I have stayed at the studio until 10:30 pm talking about my senior year and what I want my future career to be. She could have easily blown me off and said she doesn't care or doesn't have time for this, but she didn't. She stayed and helped me make some very important decisions. Miss Kellie is willing to stay after dance and talk to the dancers until the problem is solved. I have never had a teacher who cared that much about one of her students or athletes as much as Miss Kellie. .

Kellie Plath has guided me to a happy life and a stronger dancer. I know she has impacted other people too through dance and her wise words. This is why Kellie Plath is the best teacher I know.

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