Educator of The Year | Teen Ink

Educator of The Year

March 31, 2014
By jbralick BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
jbralick BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of The Year
Mr. Phil Gissen

The recess bell rings and the students file back into the school. Most students loathe this bell, but this was the opposite for those who had Mr. Gissen’s social studies at Stone Bank the following hour.

Mr. Gissen was a teacher far from the norm. Boasting a tenure as long as the list of stories he had to tell, Mr. Gissen was able to present an unorthodox teaching method that few others could replicate. He was able to teach most of our content based off first hand experiences. His countless travels expanded the face of the globe, providing for a teaching style so captivating it was irresistible not to listen.
When we talked about the spread of Islam, he told us a story about a time he was scared for his life visiting a country in the Middle East because of his Jewish heritage. When we talked about the Civil War, he told us about what he saw when he visited battle sites or cemeteries. The way he taught, regardless of the subject, was refreshing, as it offered a method of learning that was captivating. He made me want to listen and not because I had to.
But that wasn’t all that made Mr. Gissen my favorite teacher. Mr. Gissen genuinely cared about his students beyond the classroom. When a student was dealing with issues at home or scuffles with another student, Mr. Gissen would have no objection intervening to help resolve the matter.
He would always try to make time after school to offer help to those who needed it. I still remember the lengthy “reporter” project where we filmed ourselves simulating a news report on assigned topic. Many students fell behind and he offered an entire Saturday to those who wished to get caught up and finish the project. My partner and I both attended and several times Mr. Gissen reviewed our report telling us what he really liked, and what we should add to challenge ourselves and maximize our potential.

To this day, I still appreciate all I learned from Mr. Gissen’s class. Though many deem subjects like history and geography boring, they’re still important. And Mr. Gissen was able to not only prepare for my high school, but also reveal a profound in the discipline of social studies.

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