Mr. Bisbee | Teen Ink

Mr. Bisbee

March 31, 2014
By Gmosis BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Gmosis BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
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The only time you can catch me talking about a science class is when I’m complaining about it. But that wasn't the case when I came into my first day of biology sophomore year with Mr. Bisbee. Coming into the class, I heard it was one of the hardest classes I could take. Mr. Bisbee was very intimidating. But that all changed after the first five minutes of having him.

At the beginning, Mr. Bisbee made it very clear that he meant business, and teaching wasn't just a job to him, but it’s his life. He proved his point as soon as the first introduction days were over. We flew right through the first few units that were getting us ready for what was about to come. Mr. Bisbee always told us to “Come in for help. It will make life easier,” and he was right.

When the easy stuff was over and we got into the harder stuff, I started to struggle. Then I did something I thought I would never do...I went in and asked a question. Mr. Bisbee was very understanding, and he tried to put the information in a form that I would be able to understand. The main thing that got me through his class was the fact that he would not give up until he felt I was comfortable with the information.

Mr. Bisbee was also very good at keeping everyone alert during class. Instead of making his presentations seem like a lecture, he made it like a class conversation. Everyone was involved, and he would help everyone think about things that would relate to the subject. He would incorporate the animals he had, like his pet snake, with the learning and bring them out during class. I would never see a head down in his class, which is very impressive, especially for a science course.

Any question you had about biology, Mr. Bisbee could answer. The intelligence level of this man is over the top. He has even published biology books. This came in handy for Mr. Bisbee, because any question we had, he could answer and go into depth with it, keeping all the students interested. He is probably one of the smartest guys I know, due to his dedication to the subject.

Mr. Bisbee isn't just a teacher. He is a caring man who loves seeing his students succeed. He cares about our grades, and he tries to make learning relatable to our lives. Mr. Bisbee deserves this award more than anyone else for his hard work, and his student successes.

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