Teacher Award Mr. Hady | Teen Ink

Teacher Award Mr. Hady

March 31, 2014
By k8linnicole GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
k8linnicole GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Math has never been my favorite subject nor have I been a genius in the subject. But I will never forget my first day of geometry class sophomore year. Within the first couple minutes, I thought this class is going to last forever. At first, I was intimidated by my teacher Mr. Hady. I didn’t know what to expect. I had a negative attitude and it was only the first day.
As the days passed, I discovered his type of teaching style and what type of person he was. He had a genuine character and unique sense of humor that always made me laugh. I appreciate that he tried to make me smile. Out of my four years of high school, his math class was the only math class that we did any kinesthetic learning in, for example we would hold actual geometric shapes and do activities with them. his different approach to math took a lot of out of school time for him. But Mr. Hady would try so hard to make sure everyone would understand the topic, he wanted to see his students succeed.
Our daily schedule consisted of asking questions, and then a five-point quiz at the end of each week. He would put shapes around the room for activities, and he would make podcasts of the lessons to help the class. That way, we could go home and still have the video to look at.
Looking back, I remember walking through the hallway, after taking my last test of the year, and him running up to me and giving me a high-five. I don’t think I have ever had a teacher do something like that. I have never seen a teacher so happy that I succeeded.
I asked him for help during some of my study halls.This was a teacher who had patience and amiability. I could ask him any question about the subject, and he would answer it. When I would come in, it would be during his lunch hour.
He is a selfless person, considering how much he has been through, especially considering his son committed suicide. This is not a subject that arises clear out of the blue. I would not expect a person like him to go through something like that. Sometimes when I would come into his lunch hour, he would be resting. It was the only break he had. Of course, he does not get enough sleep at night. When tragic things happen, they don’t go away. It is hard to fully recover. There are a lot teachers who say they are busy but, Mr. Hady wanted to make sure I learned everything about geometry that I needed to know.
A teacher doesn’t have to exactly relate to students to be a good teacher; it is what they do for them to make the experience one they won’t forget. A teacher is someone who gives the students something they can take with them to use later in life. And that is exactly what Mr. Hady did.
Everyone has a different learning style, it is so easy to take the easy road and only give the students a sheet to memorize. But that isn’t teaching. Mr. Hady taught. I am fortunate to have had the chance to have Mr. Hady as teacher.

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