Mr. Hady | Teen Ink

Mr. Hady

March 31, 2014
By TRMcc BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
TRMcc BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nervous…Today was my first day of high school math. I heard good things about my teacher, Mr. Hady, about how he was kind and fair, but I really had no clue how great this man was until I found out for myself.

When I walked into class the first day, he was standing at the door, shaking every single person’s hand as they walked in. He introduced himself. He also asked everyone their name. This was cool to me because I had never had a teacher this enthusiastic to meet their new set of students. The first thing he showed us after the bell rang was how to get to the website we could use to watch his podcasts if we needed extra help. These were just instructional videos on how to do the lesson, with extra examples. These were useful because you could rewind, pause or skip around to the specific areas you were struggling with.

Working through all the chapters in Geometry wasn’t as much of a burden as you might think. If we took notes on all of the laws and definitions of the chapter, Mr. Hady would give us a little bit of extra credit on our test, just to help us out. He also knew remembering formulas for all shapes is daunting and task, so he went out of his way to print off a formula sheet with all of them written on it, and he allowed us to use that on tests and quizzes.

Mr. Hady would explain things very well in class. He would not progress any further in the chapter until everyone was ready and had a solid understanding of the unit. He would make sure everyone knew the subject well enough to perform on the test. When given the opportunity to pick my own seat, I always chose the front row because I knew it would help me succeed.

Learning geometry was as simple as sitting down and paying attention for 40 minutes per day. Mr. Hady did the best job out of any teacher I’ve ever had of explaining his subject. He was very knowledgeable and willing to help me succeed. The fact that I only got two questions wrong the entire year in that class proves how well of a job Mr. Hady did as a teacher.

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