Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By ewnuk10 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
ewnuk10 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Beaster

Not only was Mrs. Beaster my middle school guidance teacher, but she also was someone I could always count on. She lends her shoulder for people to cry on and she lends an ear to listen. She is generous, outgoing, and inspiring. Her door was always left open for students to come and go. When I was in middle school, I always dealt with the stuck-up girls and pointless drama, but Mrs. Beaster took her time out of her day to call me into her room. She would also call in the other girls and make us sit there and talk it out, and we weren’t allowed to leave until the problem was resolved.
Mrs. Beaster was always there for her students as if they were her own. What person wants to put up with whiney kids, the trouble students get into, and complaining parents? Mrs. Beaster does it all, but in a way not every ordinary guidance teacher does. Mrs. Beaster truly listens to student's problems, guides them to the right path, and manages to keep a smile on their faces.
At Richmond Elementary School, we had a week where each day was set up as a different theme called “spirit week.” Mrs. Beaster was always the one teacher to dress up in goofy outfits. I’m not just talking pajama pants for pajama day, but also a robe, slippers, and even a teddy bear to top it off. She was a very goofy teacher who made everyone laugh.
When we had our school assemblies, she managed to make the whole school laugh with her goofy attitude and outstanding jokes. She never was down, which is surprising, because of all the stuff she has to put up with throughout the day.
If I ever had a bad day, I never felt uncomfortable opening up to her, because I didn't look at her like a teacher. I saw her as a mentor and a friend.
Mrs. Beaster deserves this award because she is not only my inspiration, but because she is also someone I hope to be when I become a teacher. If there is one teacher I will never forget, it’s my middle school guidance teacher, Mrs. Beaster.

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