Cheerleading Coach | Teen Ink

Cheerleading Coach

March 31, 2014
By Anonymous

Sean Mars
Cheerleading Coach

What makes a cheerleading coach? The desperation to win? Passion, trust and positivity. Well, Sean Mars has all that and more. Throughout my season on Wildfire, Sean has taught me a lot, and not just being a team, but a family. He always found ways to bring us all together. Even when we were all upset and mad at eachother (if we dropped a stunt or did bad at a competition), he always knew what to say. Yes, he was upset if we didn’t place well but he never gave up on us. He always pulled the positives out. He found ways to make us all stronger, both mentally and physically through the year.

When i was scared to do my roundoff back tuck, Sean spotted me as much as i needed until i had the confidence to throw it by myself. When i felt confident enough to do it alone, Sean cheered me on. When I landed, he always had the biggest smile on his face, even if my tuck didnt look that great. He was always so proud.

When it comes to competitions, I always get nervous for my tuck, but before each performance he always gave a quick pep talk to boost my confidence. Just knowing he believed in me made me try so much harder. He stood in front of me during the performance and cheered loudly during my tuck. Even though the lights were so bright, i could barely see him. But I knew he was right there watching and cheering me on. He was always so proud even if it didn’t look that great.

No one really tells me when they are proud of me so everytime Sean tells me i tear up a little. It makes me try so much more knowing hes proud no matter what happens.

This being my last year in cheer makes me sad, knowing i may never see everyone again. They have become my family, especially Sean. But I know i can go to him with anything. He give great advice and he is always there no matter what. Cheer related or not, i know i can always count on him for anything. over all he is someone who accepted my issues, helped me with my struggles, and changed the way i look at some things. Sean is a Coach and friend I will always remember. I’ll always have someone who is proud of me and will be there when i need it most.

Thank you, Sean, for helping me, not only with cheer, but also with becoming a better person who won't give up without a fight. Most of all, thank you for accepting me and for never giving up on me.

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