Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By Anonymous

Liz Munkwitz

I’m one of those kids who absolutely hates coming to school everyday. I’d rather lay in bed and watch TV, than sit in a classroom all day. But the first day of school my senior year, I met Mrs. Munkwitz. My whole perspective about school changed. I started not minding coming to school everyday. I had world literature with Mrs. Munkwitz fifth hour everyday and I could never wait to get to that class. All the other classes before World Literature just weren’t the same. But Munk always seemed to brighten the day.

Mrs. Munkwitz is always happy and joyful. She always has a great big smile on her face. She’s someone I can actually talk to if I am ever feeling down or just need someone to talk to. Mrs. Munkwitz is the type of teacher who takes time out of her day to help me get caught up with any late work. She’ll make sure that it’s done well so you can get a good grade on it.

The thing that makes Mrs. Munkwitz a great teacher is that she really knows how to connect with her students. For lunch almost everyday I would eat with her in her classroom. Doing that everyday we got to know each other really well. Something cool that i never knew was Mrs. Munkwitz and i went to the same middle school and had the same teacher, Mrs. Seebooth.

Mrs. Munkwitz is a teacher that I’ll never forget. Because of her I’ll always remember that i actually enjoyed my senior year of high school. I wish i could have had her as my teacher for all 4 years of high school but to have her for my senior year was just as good. I want Mrs. Munkwitz to win teacher of the year because if you were to anyone in the school who their favorite teacher is, i'm sure they’ll say it’s Mrs. Munkwitz.

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