Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By Dazritae Saylor BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Dazritae Saylor BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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Educator of the year.

The person I am nominating for Educator of the Year is my 9th grade science teacher, Mrs.Averell. I’m nominating her because she is one of many teachers I have had throughout school that shows a positive attitude toward teaching and helping her class. She effectively demonstrates how to handle different situations without any altercations, and she encourages her students to not give up and keep trying.

I admire Mrs.Averell’s willingness toward helping her class and keeping a positive attitude when she’s helping a student who doesn’t understand something. When she’s teaching a large class like mine, she takes time to help any individual student that doesn’t understand something, and she keeps working with them so that they can catch up with the rest of the class. After learning something new, we might not understand it completely, so she offers to help us after school or even during out study hall. She works with us before and after test and quizzes so that we can get a good grade or get a better understanding of something we didn’t comprehend, even though we thought we did.

Another thing I like about her is her personality and the way she runs her class. She’s one of the nicest teachers I have had throughout middle school and freshman year. Mrs. Averell makes science class fun and interesting; she is understanding to the different ways students learn. When she is explaining something to the class, she adds humor to make it interesting, and she breaks things down so that everyone understands what’s going on in the situation or if it’s a lab and she explains what they’re supposed to do. She answers any questions we might have and is easy to talk to. Also, she puts herself in our position and tells us it’s ok if we don’t fully understand the concept the first day of learning it, because there’s probably other freshman that have no clue as to what to do either.

Why third reason for nominating her other than having a good personality is that she’s determined. When coaching our school Science Olympiad team, she shows consistent effort, and she is willing to help people with their events. She displays a positive attitude, and I believe she is committed to helping all the teams win. She is hardworking and wants all her students to be too.

I’m nominating Mrs. Averell for Educator of the Year, because she has and demonstrates all the qualities of a role model. She’s helping, willing, fun, inspiring, hardworking, and determined, and she only wants what’s best for her students; she shows that every time she’s teaching. Not only does she teach us things that we need to know in science, but she teaches us how to get along with each other and learn to just ignore certain things too. For all these reasons and more, she describes this award.

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