Educater Of the Year | Teen Ink

Educater Of the Year

March 31, 2014
By felix gonzalez BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
felix gonzalez BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Garvey, best math teacher I ever had. Mrs. Garvey is mostly calm, she has her good days and the bad days, she’s very helpful, she does her best to make sure we learn the right material. She is the type of teacher you can go to and talk when you need help on class work, homework, and anything that has to do with math. She’s fun, she always trying to make the class fun, not boring. She’s almost always smiling and telling jokes and the best part is when she has her bad days she’s always trying to make that frown upside down.

What’s good about Mrs. Garvey is that she teach us useful things, she teach us things that are actually important. She’s always making the best of things. What I really like about Mrs. Garvey is that she laughs at my jokes. She also tries so hard to keep her temper down when I’m around, which is really hard to do. She also goes easy on us she not one of those teacher that think we can learn something in one day and move on to the next lesson she takes her time and she makes sure we understand it before she moves.

Mrs. Garvey is fun; she is always making an activity to go with the lesson. Sometimes we even play a game that has to do with the lesson. But when is time to get serious she gets serious, we start getting of task when is time to get serious she will snap and trust me you don’t want her to snap, when is time to get serious she’s all about business. Also when Mrs. Garvey has her bad days is best to just sit down, be quite and, just do your work because you’ll know when she has her bad days, at least I would know.

Mrs. Garvey is from Puerto Rico, so she is bilingual which means when I needed help with a sentence or a word or something, she would help me. She also was able to understand me when I spoke English even with my thick accent. She helped me when I needed her help, and she tough other easier ways to figure something else. These are the things I like about Mrs. Garvey; she’s trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, kind, and cheerful.

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