Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By JahMereOakley BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
JahMereOakley BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever met a teacher that you can relate to so well that you felt he was a kid just like you? Well, that’s Mr. Saltzman; he’s a teacher at Brandywine Springs. He was one of the best and funniest teachers I ever met. Mr. Saltzman was one of the coolest and chilliest teachers I had. Everyone one liked him, and he was a good volleyball coach too.

One reason I am nominating him as Educator of the Year is because he is really nice and kind. Many kids call one teacher in particular, mean or worse, but he was a teacher that never got mad at people. His teaching style was very kinesthetic, and he always had a personal message in his lesson. He also was interested in his student’s lives. He was very keen on informing us about what was happening in his life. I liked this a lot because I felt more connected to him. He was like a friend to my peers and me.

He was also funny and a very good volleyball coach too. He wasn’t the easiest player to play with, but he was very well educated. He was not an instructor, but he interacted with us during the practices. He would inform a player when they were doing something incorrect. Because of him we made it all the way to the championship and won. He helped me improve my skills to become probably ranked #1 in the country or even #1 on the planet that’s how good he trained me to be.

Mr.Saltzman was one of those teachers everyone wanted to be friends with; he was so nice that I sometimes forgot he was a teacher. He was also nice to the teachers, and he didn’t pick favorites. He was not biased and didn’t take things to seriously. He was the class clown in and out of the classroom.

I believe Mr.Saltzman should be the Educator of the year because he is a great teacher and coach. He is a well-respected man and one of the funniest teachers. He is by far the best teacher I have ever had.

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