Ms. Finn | Teen Ink

Ms. Finn

March 31, 2014
By Selena McBride BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Selena McBride BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator Of the Year
Ms. Finn

What makes a good teacher? Their ability to relate to students, their ability to crack a good joke, or being all knowing in their field? Ms. Finn is a good nomination for this award because she is all of this and more! She is not only a good teacher, but a good person. She works at St. Ann’s Catholic school as a 6th, 7th and 8th grade English and reading teacher, she is also an excellent 8th grade religion teacher. Ms. Finn has many great qualities that would definitely get her this award.
Some of Ms. Finn’s good qualities are her intelligence, her ability to be non-critical, and her kind personality. An example of her kindness is when I first came to St. Ann’s, she was nothing but nice to me. Her intelligence helped her answer any questions I had about grammar or religion any day. Since she was a religion teacher, she would always be nonjudgmental if you had an odd question or misunderstanding. She would never try to make you feel excluded; she would make you at least give it a try before you don’t do it at all.
Ms. Finn has qualities that all teachers should have and should want to have. Like her comedic genius would make anyone laugh. Another thing was her never ending smile, every morning she would start the day in a good mood. Her sarcasm always helped me laugh. She could always take a joke, that was always one of the best things about her.

I always admired her inventive mind, like when we used to play this vocabulary game called Sparkle, and it would help make sure everyone knew how not only what the vocabulary word meant but also how to spell the word. People would call her outgoing because she would always put a smile on your face if you needed it. That always made everyone like her from the start. I also loved her choice in books. I would always look forward to the next book she had us read; I could never put any of them down. She always knew how important it was to take 10 to 15 quiet minutes to read a good book, whether it was the book she assigned or one you brought from home.

These are some of the best things about Amanda Finn. She was one of my best teachers in middle school. I can only hope that more teachers could be like her and would want to be as caring and nice as she is. She had some of the best qualities that you could find in a person. Some of my best middle school memories came from that year, and she had a lot to do with them. For the reasons I have listed and more I nominate Ms. Finn for the Teen Ink’s Educator Of The Year Award

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