Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2014
By Anonymous

I am nominating my cross country coach, Coach Noel Breger, for the Educator of the Year. When I first started running for him, I was running about a 21 minute 5k. My last race of the season I ran an 18:57. Over the course of the season I improved not only on the racing aspect of cross country, but on the other side of just competing. There are many reasons I chose him over the other teachers and coaches I had in my mind.

He has been a coach for a couple of years at DMA and was a coach at Archmere for a while also. He won a couple of state championships while he was at Archmere; he knows what he is talking about. He doesn’t have very long to get us in racing shape but he figures out how to. If we are out on a long run and he runs past you and sees something wrong he will tell you what you are doing wrong, and you will hear it constantly for a couple of months.

He has many good qualities when it comes to preparation and practicing. Throughout the year we do a lot of good and hard workouts. He pushes us to do our best. Our warm up can be up to an hour long. He makes sure we are fully ready to do a workout or race. We are still warming ourselves up about 10 minutes before a race. When it comes down to an injury our team is less likely to get them.

He is not only a great coach; he is a great person to be around. He is really funny. He gets along with all of kids on the team. He knows everyone’s speed and the times they should be hitting, there were 36 kids on the team this past year.

He is a great coach. He gets on everybody’s nerves sometimes but that is what great coaches have to do to make sure you work to your full potential. I am really glad he was my coach this year and hopefully he stays for the next three. With him as coach we have a good chance at not only winning a conference championship, but maybe even a state title. I am glad to nominate him for the Educator of the Year Award.

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