Educator of the Year Nomination | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Nomination

March 31, 2014
By lia_arbulu BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
lia_arbulu BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year Nomination
Ms. Vicki Simon

Educator of the Year is a very special award. This should go to a teacher that offers her students her love, support, and expertise. Teachers spend a lot of time with their students. They are involved in helping shape kids into the adults they become. As role models they must teach kids to not only try their best, but to never give up. They should be kind, funny, and understanding. My choice for Educator of the Year is Ms. Simon, my eighth grade English teacher.

Ms. Simon was so kind and open-hearted. You could tell her anything, and she would listen and give you great advice. She was never judgmental and would understand and help you out. The best part about her was that she had faith that everyone in her class could succeed. She made learning fun and interesting. Failure was not an option to her. She was always willing to help you out the best she could. Most teachers want to help out their students as best they can; I feel that Ms. Simon went above and beyond. I don’t understand how anyone could fail in her class. Those students definitely lost out on a great teacher.

Ms. Simon should be Educator of the Year because she was one of the best teachers I have ever had. In addition, she is everything you could ask for in a person. She is caring, funny, and smart. She really is the complete package. Teachers have a great responsibility; they must come in everyday and make their mark on their students, for me Ms. Simon is the kind of teacher I will never forget. She was always there, always smiling, and always ready to help out. What else could you ask for in a teacher?

Ms. Simon is special to me; she was not only my English teach but my mentor. She helped me through a lot of problems such as bad grades, homework, and even conflicts with friends and classmates. Middle school was tough at times, but I always knew that I had someone to go to when I needed help. I wish I could have brought her to high school with me. She would have been a lot of help the first couple of weeks of high school.

In conclusion, Ms. Simon is a wonderful teacher. She has all the right qualities needed to be Educator of the Year. She is kind hearted and always willing to help out. She understands both her students’ strengths and weaknesses, and she is ready to challenge them. She was always prepared for her day, and she made learning fun and easy. Ms. Simon is truly a beautiful person and teacher.

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