Nomination for Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Nomination for Educator of the Year

April 1, 2014
By Hayley Kegerreis BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Hayley Kegerreis BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever noticed that every person has two sides? Well, my favorite educator is also a very close and personal person to me; he has two sides. We have a special bond that not a lot of his other students have with him. He is my father and one of the best teachers I have ever laid eyes on, but he also comes with a lot of emotions, and I see different sides of him at home than in the classroom. He has made a great and a very special impact on my life.

My dad has been consistent in my life for 15 years now; he has never left my side. We've been through it all. Through the ups and downs in our personal and family lives, through deaths and my parents divorce, and the good times too. then were times when everything seemed to be perfect. One thing I noticed is that he manages to stay strong through it all no matter how hard things can be.

Seeing my dad everyday in school can be irritating, but it can also brighten my day. He has the tendency to get angry very quickly, and I have noticed that when we get to school every morning, his mood changes; he becomes very serious. It’s because he takes his job very seriously, and he wants to make sure he is teaching his students right. He only wants the best for them. Sadly, this is why kids talk bad about him because he yells at them; it sort of makes me upset because he only wants the best for them too. Yes, he does become more strict in school, and i guess I do seem to avoid him a lot of the time.

Personally, I just think he is an amazing person over all. He may come off as as having an attitude or anger issues, but he cares about people more than you could ever imagine, and he only wants the best for his students and me. He is so funny too; he has the corniest jokes. He always tries to make people laugh, because he is just one happy man. Everyone like the funny guy, right?

I find that pushing someone to do their very best is important and my father very much so does this. Some of his students find him hard on them, but he only wants them to choose to do the right thing, because in the end if you are pushed your very hardest, you will come out at the top. Many people have a love/hate relationship with him, I know for sure I do. I might not have any classes with him but he’s helped me through a lot in school and at home. But hey having, a teacher as a father is something you could never beat. That is why I think Chief Kegerreis is worthy of Teen Ink’s Educator of the Year Award!

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