Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 1, 2014
By johnritchie BRONZE, Wilmington,De, Delaware
johnritchie BRONZE, Wilmington,De, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year Nomination
Mr. Lingenfelter

Have you had a teacher that has inspired you in some way? Maybe you have had a teacher that was totally awesome. Well, I have and I think he deserves to not just be nominated for Educator of the Year but win the Educator of the Year contest. There are many reasons why I am picking this specific teacher.

I am nominating Mr. Lingenfelter. He is a 8th civics teacher at Skyline Middle School in DE. I am nominating Mr. L because he is a great teacher. He is a great teacher because he always made sure his students understood something before he moved on to the next unit or chapter. Also, he described everything in good detail which made it very understandable and easy to learn. I think Mr. L should be Educator of the Year because he is very good at balancing learning with fun which made the class very intresting and never boring. Infact, Mr. L helped me in many ways.

I liked Mr. L's class mostly because it was unique and fun it never got boring; his class was honestly like no other. Also, Mr, L was very good at balancing fun with education. For example, we re-inacted the Boston Massacre we also read about it which was very fun for everyone. Infact, we probably did thing people from other schools didn't do. What I mean by that is we learned about JFK which most schools probably just learned basic information about him. We did a whole unit on JFK which was about who we think assassinated him. Not only did we do fun units, But it seemed like everyday we did something new, and it never got boring.

I felt like Mr. L had a personal connection with everyone in his classroom and just about every 8th grader who had his class. I think this for many reasons: he is funny, cool, and easy to get along with, and a great conversationalist. He was also very inspiring not just to me but to everyone who walked in that classroom. I remeber, before walking in his classroom, I was very shy, but every few weeks we had a project that we presented to the class which really cured me from being shy; it also helped me meet new people and make more friends. Another thing you hated but loved about Mr.L's class was that fact that he helped you get prepared for highschool which really helped me.

After reading this I hope you see why I picked Mr. L to be Educator of the Year. Also I would just like to thank Mr. L for help getting me prepared for 9th grade because I had no idea it was going to be this hard, and made me realize that when he was helping us get prepared. Stop. Rewind. Let me ask again Have you ever had a teacher inspire you like the way Mr. L inspire me?

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