Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 3, 2014
By Devin Uhrich BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
Devin Uhrich BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year Nomination
Pisani, Carly

The person I think should be nominated for the Educator of the Year is Mrs. Pisani. I think Mrs. Pisani should be nominated for Educator of the Year for many reasons. Every time I leave her class I have learned something new. She is willing to do anything she can to get you to understand the content, and her way of teaching is a very effective way and it makes math easier to understand.

Every time I leave Mrs. Pisani’s class, I have learned something new or something additional about the content I already knew. Mrs. Pisani has always taught me something in a way that it makes sense. For example, when we were learning slope the first day she taught the lesson, I completely understood the content, and I have not forgotten it since. Everything we learn in her class just sticks in my head, and I never forget what I learn.

Mrs. Pisani is willing to do anything to get you to understand the content because She is willing to spend time after school for extra help. I wish that other teachers would be this dedicated and care this much for their students. She will even let you come during the school-day to try and teach it to you and give you some practice to help you understand the work. One time I stayed after class and she gave me five minutes of her time to try and grasp the concept. Then she gave me
The final reason I think Mrs. Pisani should be nominated is because when she teaches me a lesson I always understand it. The way she teaches is hard to explain, but she really knows how to dumb it down and just get the idea out there. What she’ll do is try to divide it into steps; we just have to follow those steps to figure out the answer. Also, another way is she’ll set a general goal of the whole problem and what you would have to do to solve it.

In conclusion, Mrs. Pisani should be not only nominated for the Educator of the Year, but I think she should win it, because I would not be as far in math today if it wasn’t for her. She’s great at teaching the content to you, she is willing to do anything to teach it to you when she can, and she knows how to make you never forget the content. In my opinion Mrs. Pisani is my favorite teacher; she has helped me a lot to get my understanding of math to this high of a standard. That is why I think she should be nominated for the Educator of the Year.

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