Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 6, 2014
By Todd Turner BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Todd Turner BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Ring, Ring” the bell went, huffing and puffing like could this day get better. Mr. Archangelo happy and jolly on life, he came up to me and said, “You see that guy over there”. Me being courteous I kindly said “yes”. He said well he looks like a pregnant Guinea pig. Since I was in 6th grade, and it was my first day of school, I thought that was the funniest thing in the world. Later when I became older I understood what he was trying to do. See he was trying to cheer me up because he understood I was having a rough day so far.

But most people choose their favorite teacher for this contest, but why would I want to be like everyone else. Plus no teacher I really had really reached to me like Darren Archangelo has. He understood students and especially if he liked but just like every person in the world. If you made him mad there was hell to pay because every person has a limit no matter whom you are. My favorite person had a lot of tolerance and patience. Mr. A (as all his students and teachers called him) would help any person who needed it. I mean he would give his life stories to make you have a better understanding the situations you may have been in.

He would help adults if they had problems, which rarely seemed to happen at Henry B DuPont Middle School (HBMS for short). If you asked him things to do things, he would have no problem doing them that’s how nice of a person he is. This guy was an all around person; he coached just about every sport that is popular. Every sport you can think of, Mr. A did it. Mr. A was a superb gym teacher; he would play games out of the ordinary that may sound weird, but where pretty darn fun. I mean games like Doctor Dodge ball, Pin Dodge, as he would call it. Those are just two names that really stuck out the most besides all the other weird names he had for the simplest of games.

I mean he was a really out standing guy no matter what, all the bad he has done and that’s a lot but the good he has done out wits the others. You know if you asked could he maybe help you with homework, he always said yes. School was the main priority for the children in his class, not sports or other thing’s school. If you asked “could you help me on my homework” and Mr. A didn’t know the material of what the homework was on, he would find someone who did. No matter if it was the teacher who gave the assignment out or just another student who did, that is how he would help you.

One thing I remembered about that short bald headed guy was, while the boys in my gym class chitchat. He would sit at his table with his newspaper in the crossword puzzle area filling it out. With his tealeaves in his cup, he is spitting it out in. Once we realized that he was waiting for us, we became quiet and he would say, “it’s about you guys shut your mouths’ and we simply snickered and then he said things out of the ordinary. He would say words like adonde let’s play handball!! I do not know to this day what goes through his head but I do know this the person I picked for the Best Educator of The Year!

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