Educator of the Year Mrs.Simon | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Mrs.Simon

April 8, 2014
By C.Mainardi BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
C.Mainardi BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year Nomination
Vicki Simon

This year in ELA I choose Mrs. Simon for the Educator of the Year. I really think she deserves this award. She is a fantastic teacher and I will tell you why.
Let’s start out by saying thank you Mrs. Simon for everything you have taught me. I appreciate everything you have taught me; you taught me to always try my best and to always try in school. Also, you helped me try to earn a 4 on my English DCAS last year. I did earn a 4 this year though and couldn’t have done it without you! I took my time reading each passage and I read all the questions before I answered them. I finally got it!
Another reason Mrs. Simon is my favorite teacher is because she has a certain personality. She has a positive sense of humor and an honest teacher who cares dearly about her students. One thing she said to me last year was “ You only get what you give”. I recall her saying that to me toward the middle of the 1st marking period, while pulling me aside and telling me what I should do better.
Last year was one of my favorite years of school. I had great teachers, especially her. I earned good grades, had all my friends in the same school, it was definitely worth the memories. I wish she could be my ELA teacher for the next four years.
After spending time with her, I know that she honestly does care for her students; I believe she earned this award. She was the best teacher I had while attending Skyline. My freshman year at Delaware Military Academy has been ok. I’m earning mostly A’s & B’s with a few C’s tossed in. I have also earned a few ribbons for excelling in certain areas. Sometimes I think of the times I had at Skyline and the memories. I hope to go visit her someday and thank her personally for everything she taught me. I wouldn’t have made it this far without her help. She is the best teacher and that’s why I chose her for Educator of the Year. I appreciate her dearly and hope she is doing well.

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