nomination | Teen Ink


April 8, 2014
By julisah BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
julisah BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster that is life :) x"-zayn malik

I think you should nominate my teacher! In the beginning of the year Mrs.seifred did an activity to get everyone to know each other. She was a really nice teacher. Whenever someone needed help; she would come and help them out so they could understand the material. She would never say to just figure it out yourself, and she wouldn't go and tell you the answers either; she would guide you through it until you got the answer. Those are just some of the things that she did that I liked.

In her class we did many fun activities that helped me learn. We even did one activity to learn what are learning styles were. She always used different types of activities to help everyone with their own learning style. Whenever the class was good and ready to go before she walked in, she would hand out mints to the whole class. She also gave mints to the people who would get a hard question that she asked right. In her class I would never get bored because we did so much fun activities.

One of the fun activities that we did was she had brought in a whole bunch of old technology from cell phones, typewriters, records and a bunch of other old things. She had each type if thing set up at each table. We would go to each different table to look at the things, and she would give us a certain table number so we could sit with different people and get to know them and not just the normal people we would sit with every day. This way everyone in the class can know each other and make new friends. Also, by being seated with different people you can hear different ideas about the stuff.

Those are just some things that make her a very good teacher; she was very kind yet strict about getting work done. We got a or of work done, and we had fun doing it; she showed me that even though you’re working hard to get something done, you can have some fun while doing it too. That is why I would really like my 8th grade social studies teacher to mean the educator of the year competition for all the hard work she has done.

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