Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 10, 2014
By Kenneth Lacek BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Kenneth Lacek BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year Nomination
Mr. O’kneski

Once a year there is this award called the educator of the year award. I would like to nominate my civics teacher Mr. O’kneski. Although everyone calls him Mr. O for short. I want to nominate him because in my opinion he is the best teacher. In the next couple of paragraphs I'm going to explain why he should win it.
First off I’m going to tell you about him and how he teaches. He is the coolest teacher for many reasons. One he puts his note online so you are not sitting there the whole class writing your hand off. Two every class we watch a current event. We watch one or two videos about important news around the world then discus it. He is also very friendly unless you push his buttons.
Second of he is also very funny. He is always referencing the Sorpranos. He will pick on you as in a friendly joking way though. He will also say do you wanna go down to the William pen if you’re acting up in class or not paying attention. No matter what when he stops talking about one thing he will say in any event then proceed with the new topic. When he uses the smart board and taps the screen he always says bang.
Thirdly I want to explain why he should win. In all my years of being a student I never really liked any teachers. I just saw them annoying people that gave me home work. The only thing is I don’t think that about Mr. O. If saw a teacher in the hall I would just walk by, but if saw him I would stop and talk to him. He is just the best teacher in my mind
These were just some of the things about Mr. O. There is defiantly a, lot more about him. I hope as you read this you could see why I want to nominate him. He is by far the best teacher to win. To conclude this essay It may seem like he just jokes around but he actually is kind and cares.

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