educator of the year | Teen Ink

educator of the year

April 11, 2014
By Gina Miller BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Gina Miller BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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Someone who has educated me a great deal is my cross country coach, Coach Breger. He has helped me with many things over this past year. Not only has he made me a better runner, but a better person. He has helped to build my confidence, strength, and knowledge. He has taught me, what I should do mentally, athletically, and academically. He has always thrown great challenges at me to make sure I stay on my toes. For every challenge he has thrown, there is an expectation, and by listening to him I can meet it.

He is always making sure I give a hundred and ten percent, by inspiring me with his advice and confidence in my abilities. Whenever I am not sure about something, I go to him to ask for advice. His advice often comes by asking me questions that lead me to make the right decisions. Because of his introspection, my decision making has become easier and better. I have achieved things I never thought I would.

Coach Breger has also challenged me athletically. One way he has done this is by giving me certain types of track workouts that have cut my racing times dramatically. He has convinced me that whatever time we need me to run to place for a race, I can and often achieve this objective. Coach Breger is constantly reminding me to do certain things to make me better. He will remind me to drive my knees and not to pound my feet. It is tips like these that are making me a more competitive runner.

Everything he says, I give deep consideration to. No matter if it is a quick suggestion or a detailed analyst of my performance. Through his inspiration, he has given me the confidence to tackle and achieve whatever challenges he puts in front of me. Without Coach Breger I would not be as good as an athlete I am today. I am truly thankful for everything he has done.

Coach Breger’s inspiration, confidence building, and question and answering techniques have led to success in the academics end of school. Whenever I thought I couldn’t do it, or had a bad day, he has always helped me to get through it, and he has given me the best advice along the way. By doing so, he has instilled great confidence in me, has never stopped believing in me, and has definitely helped me to become the best person that I can be. His ability to inspire, to make me analyze situations, and to have confidence in myself will be my foundation for future success. For these reasons and more I am nominating Coach Breger for the Educator of the Year Award.

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