Educator Of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator Of the Year

April 13, 2014
By sarah_evans13 BRONZE, Wilmington,, Delaware
sarah_evans13 BRONZE, Wilmington,, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year

Mrs. Tara Dick

Even though I have only known my English teacher, Mrs. Dick, for seven months, I would like to nominate her for Educator of the Year. I picked my English teacher because she has creative ways of making us learn. She has fun projects. She gives us a chance to boost our grade at the end of the marking period. She’s a very enthusiastic person.

One of my reasons I picked my English teacher, Mrs. Dick, is she has a creative way of teaching. One creative way of making us learn and understand is that we read a book called The Odyssey. While we read some of the chapters, she made us write journals. But not ordinary journals. We had to pretend that we were Odysseus and write down what adventures he had to endure while trying to get back home. It helped very much, and I understood it more easily than if I had not have written those journals. Another way she is creative in teaching is we have to write index cards for vocabulary with the definition, the synonyms, the antonyms, where the stress marks go, then a sentence. Then, we do this vocabulary worksheet. We have to write ten sentences with a vocabulary word in the sentence. Then, we draw the other ten. I like this worksheet; it’s fun to do, and I’m studying without realizing it.

Another reason why I picked Mrs. Dick is she has enjoyable and creative projects. One creative project that I did was the Odyssey poster. You had to draw a big illustration of something important that happened in the book, The Odyssey. I drew the Trojan horse. Around the big picture, you had to draw a maze; but around the maze, you had to draw and explain ten very important events that took place. The second fun project I did was what animal am I? With this project, you go on this website. They ask you eight questions about yourself; if you answer truthfully, it actually matches you up with a very close animal and description of yourself. I got a bunny. They said they’re shy and like to have a small group of friends. That is true! I am shy and have a small group of friends. It was very fun to figure out what animal I was.

I picked my English teacher because she helps the students boosts their grade in her class. How does she help her students? Every Wednesday, she stays after school to help anyone who needs help. If you need help studying vocabulary, she gives you studying tips. She also promotes the use of It shows you many ways to study for vocabulary. How does she let you boost your grade? She lets you hand in one assignment that you missed or didn’t do during the marking period. At the end of every marking period, you have to print out your grades in English with the assignment and hand it in. I like that she gives us a chance to make amends for something we may have missed.

These are the reasons I picked my English teacher, Mrs. Dick. She is also very funny; she jokes a lot. If you go to her for help in vocabulary or anything that we are learning in class, she helps you. She teaches you different ways of studying. Mrs. Dick is a very fun and enthusiastic teacher. She is humorous, she cares about her students, and she’s also very kind. These are some reasons I picked my English teacher for Educator of the Year.

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