Mr. Hussar | Teen Ink

Mr. Hussar

April 16, 2014
By Lana Sisofo BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Lana Sisofo BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think Mr. Hussar should be Educator of the Year. He is the PE teacher at Brandywine Springs, and he was my favorite teacher when I went there and will always be my favorite because he was so encouraging and helpful; he is friendly to all his students and, actually cares about them.
To motivate kids he would give them a physical challenge to do during class. When someone pushed themselves and worked hard during class, he would reward them by buying them a whole box of pizza, or he would give them a t-shirt so that everyone was encouraged to try their best. He would always make sure that everyone was doing their best and pushed themselves to make it happen.
He would talk to anyone that wanted to talk to him; he could make anyone feel better. He could also make a joke out of anything at the right times. He just made class fun.
I could always tell him about how one of my games went, and I couldn't wait to tell him about how I did. I always knew what to say to him and would get excited to see him at school.
I think he should win the Educator of the Year because he is a great teacher and person to be around. He will always be there to motive and encourage you. You always know that he is proud of you when you do something right by showing how much he cares.

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