Mr.Green | Teen Ink


April 16, 2014
By GabeT BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
GabeT BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once we are born and raised, we begin to learn, but where do we get these ideas, and where do we learn it? Our parents send us to school, with our new stuff and preparing for our first years in school. The definition of a teacher is “a person that teaches” and these people have devoted some of their time to teaching the future of humanity the fundaments of life. Just because a teacher is an adult it doesn’t mean that they can’t be your friend, or foe, or even an inspiration.

My admirer in a form of a teacher is a man known by ‘Mr. Green’ or Scott Green. This is the first year that I met Mr. Green at DMA, and it’s been wonderful to see a teacher that has many positive attributes. Since the beginning, I was a little skeptical on how his class would work, but it eventually worked. Especially where my seat was because it’s hard to be in a class for the first time with new people knowing that only four people, including me, came from the same school.

Mr. Green is a teacher of business and financing. In this class we work with computers and sometimes books that discuss what we are learning that day. On computers we use software such as Word and Excel, and occasionally we do some research involving the subject of the day. We have learned about how banks and financial institutions work and how money can affect a budget.

Mr. Green showed our class some of the benefits of a credit card and the downfall of a credit card. He showed us what affects the way you can use your money in banks. And since Mr. Green is teaching a business class, he is also involved in BPA, Business Professionals of America. This program is a basic idea of how a certain part of a business works and different sources to use in this specific area.

Everyone will have their favorite teacher because they may be fun or let you talk to your friends. But Mr. Green is an extraordinary teacher; he doesn’t give candy away for a correct answer or let you goof around with your friends driving the teacher crazy. He may be strict, but he does make the lessons into a brief and to the point discussions, which are also very easy to understanding. You may or may not like all your teachers, but you sure will thank them later for teaching you and I’d like to him thank him now. Mr. Green is my nomination for Educator of Year.

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