Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

April 16, 2014
By Michelle Dougherty BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Michelle Dougherty BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr.Larry Friend.
April 16, 2014
Educator of the Year.

What qualities does it take to be a good edcuator? It takes a to be good at it, but there is one that I think is qualified to be to be Educator of the Year his name is Mr.Larry Friend. He teaches at Stanton Middle School. He is one of the best administrators in Stanton. I think he should be Educator of The Year. He helped me be a better student and he helped others. His is one nice, caring, strict, powerful and enthusiastic person.

Mr.Friend is strict, but that is a roils of an administrator in a middle school. He also has that kind heart everyone likes. He is strict because he is helping the kids who need it to be a better student; he scolds the kids who act badly, but some get the message, and thery try to be a better students. Then again, he is kind ; he gives a lot of females students a smile every time they see him. He gives the boys brofists and sometimes a hug as well, but mostly he pats them on the back.

He feels strongly about school. He wants kids to do well in school and also outside of school. He tells them all about how working hard, doing homework and paying attention in all classes can help you going into high school. Determination that is what he wants, he wants to inspire the students to be great into life and not to be bad or make bad choices. He controls the kids very well, even though most give him a hard time, he still gets them under control.

Caring, that is what everyone needs in lufe, Mr.Friend always has that kind of personality toward all kids and all teachers in Stanton. His smiles is what makes me feel grats and his humor makes me laugh and have a good time at stanton. Mr. Friend has one awesome personality. He also has that kind-hearted feeling to everyone; I love how he speaks fluidity to the students and the teachers as well.

He is a wonderful person who is strong and strict enough to build the kids up to be better in high school. He is one of the best administrators in Stanton that I have known. I miss him; he made me who I am today. His words of wisdom got through to me, and I am a better person than before. All of my teachers kept me going, but Mr.Friend always made me smile and made me stronger. His teachings and instructions have changed a lot of students at Stanton. He always answers any questions you have for him. Mr. Friend is a great to look up to for help; he is always there for you. For these reasons and more I'm nominating him for Edcucator of the year.

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