Rene' Spencer | Teen Ink

Rene' Spencer

June 27, 2014
By Anonymous

Have you ever had a teacher that is more than a teacher? A teacher who you trust with anything...even if you just met like 4 months ago. I have that kind of teacher. Her name is Rene’ Spencer. She teaches my high school choir. But as so many other teachers she is so much more than a teacher. She is a friend, a role model, and safety net. Being in foster care having those kind of people is pretty hard to come by. People wonder what you did to be in State’s custody. And let me tell you it is not always the child’s fault. But Mrs. Spencer didn’t even question that. She allowed me to talk to her when I felt like I had no one else to go to. She didn’t judge me, by things I have said and/or done in my past. She has encouraged me to test my limits. She is the kind of female I would want my mother to be like. She is one of the many teachers who sincerely care about her students, and the hours she “works” shows us how much she cares. And to me that shows the true honor and love and understanding any mother/ teacher/ aunt/ female should have.

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