Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2014
By Anonymous

School to me has always been dreadful. None of my friends where in any of my classes. Then I had Mrs. Cull for credit recovery. When I walked into that classroom, there wasn’t anyone I knew except for Mrs. Cull; I didn’t really understand what this class was, until she explained it was credit recovery, which is a class where if you failed a class this is where you go to make up that class. Mrs. Cull made credit recovery fun because some days she would let everyone do nothing the entire class period and we would all just talk. She also made it fun by not being serious all the time. She would always joke around with our class. Mrs. Cull has been there for me since day one. She knew I was a hard worker and that I would get things done when I needed to. That made me feel good about myself, because I do work hard in my classes. It’s nice to see my teachers can actually see that.
She was very helpful to all of her students. But when the student would goof around, the whole time and not get anything done, she would get mad and tell you to do your work. She took her job very seriously. This made me feel that she actually likes her job and that she cares about her students because she takes her job seriously. She would always make sure her students had their work done on time. 
Mrs. Cull had two young kids, but she would give up her time to teach this class. I think that’s so nice of her to do. Mrs. Cull would always have Diet Coke in her room and she knows I love Diet Coke and she would always give one to me when I asked. She was just such a kind teacher who would talk my ears off and she would always want to hear my opinion.
Whenever I was having a bad day, she would know to ask me what’s wrong. That’s the only teacher I would ever tell my stories to because she actually cared and listened and gave good advice.
My friend Josh was in my class later that semester and his parents didn’t pay school fees and he got called to the office. He came back into Mrs. Cull’s room with tears in his eyes. He told us that if his parents don’t pay, he will not graduate. But Josh’s parents don’t have a lot of money. Mrs. Cull marched into the office and got all the school fees dropped. She literally made Josh’s life better. After Mrs. Cull got back from being in the office for about 20 minutes she went over by Josh and told him that  all of his fees had been dropped. Josh got up from his seat and gave her a hug. He was so relieved. Josh thanked Mrs. Cull until the class ended. After that happened he was a lot happier. From that day on, Josh will always remember Mrs. Cull and how much she helped him throughout high school. 
I could never see any other teacher doing that for their student. She knew Josh deserved it and so she fought for him. Mrs. Cull deserves to have the teacher of the year. She is the best teacher I’ve ever had. I wish I could fail classes just so I could have her as a teacher again. No teacher will or could ever replace her.
Mrs. Cull made me want to come to school everyday just so I could be in her class. She would let me come in her class during study hall just to talk to her. I wish I could have her just one more year.

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