Mrs. Ryczek | Teen Ink

Mrs. Ryczek

October 6, 2014
By Anonymous

Mrs. Ryczek

Mrs. Ryczek is a second grade teacher at Swallow School, and she is my mom. She is caring and understanding.
Not everyone can be a second grade teacher, It takes so much patience.  She has long days of teaching kids.  When she comes home she is exhausted, but her day doesn't stop there. She comes home and makes dinner. Her teaching never ends.  Everyday I learn so much from her.
Everyday there are little things she does that no one notices. I have come to see how much she goes out of her way to change the lives around her.  She is the doorman at the entrance to life.  As kids start to grow up and develop she is the one molding them into the face of society.
There is a fine line between what is right, or wrong.  The wrong choice is the easy choice, the one that you get the most out of.  Being ethical is doing the right thing, even if it won't  be seen or noticed. She taught me to take the high road, make the choices others won't.
Most people don't care if it wont affect them. Beaches are littered with garbage. If you go to a park, it's rare to gee it clean. Mrs. Ryczek taught me to leave whatever I use better than how it was.
At school she does the impossible: she teaches kids things they have never heard about before. Do you remember how you learned to talk? I bet not. Imagine Mrs. Ryczek teaching kids to read and difficult math topics that they have never seen before.
Mrs. Ryczek the light at the end of the tunnel, guiding you on your journey. She is a second grade teacher forming our youth into what it is today. She is my mom, my personal teacher, my family.

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