Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2014
By Whiplaasch SILVER, Oconomowc, Wisconsin
Whiplaasch SILVER, Oconomowc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Is only game, no?

When you are walking into a new school for the first day, it can be scary. But Pastor Wenzelburger was there to greet me. When I first walked down the stairs for seventh grade at Divine Redeemer, it was a struggle to find my locker, and even the bathroom. (I didn’t realize that the nearest bathroom was up stairs.) Then, Pastor Wenzelburger showed me my seat, and put me next to one of the most helpful students who has became my life long friend.

Pastor Wenzelburger was the first teacher I have had, that put so much energy and fun into his classes. Every day, I was anxious to get to school, because I would hate to miss his class. All the students in my class wanted science to happen, because you didn’t know what to expect. One day you can be dissecting frogs, and the next day or week you are shooting rockets in the soccer field. It was the best class that you could be in for a seventh-grader.
As an eighth-grader, I was sad to not have Pastor Wenzelburger as a homeroom teacher. But I would still have him for science. In eighth grade science, the difficulty went up and so did his jokes. He loved to pull pranks for April fools. One prank he did was stealing one of the other teachers mini refrigerators and hiding it in the back of the Science room. These simple little things help make his class more exciting, and enjoyable.

Graduating from eighth grade made me think of how amazing it was to have Pastor Wenzelburger as a teacher for two years. He is a father of two, a Pastor, and a dedicated teacher. He is truly my favorite teacher and always will be.

Pastor Wenzelburger helped me to enjoy science with the dissections or even the map diagrams. I can still remember the time when we were dissecting the deer hearts, or even the frog. If he wouldn’t of taught his classes the way he did, I wouldn’t be taking Physics as junior, and I definitely wouldn’t be enjoying it. Thanks to Pastor Wenzelburger, I really do enjoy science and I plan on taking it all four years of high school.

Without having Pastor Wenzelburger as a teacher, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wouldn’t be taking science, I wouldn’t be motivated, and I wouldn’t be doing as good as I am in Physics. His classes, and his way of teaching has influenced me and has made me successful . Thank you, Pastor Wenzelburger, for all you have done for me, and for molding me into a better student.

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