Teacher Of The Year | Teen Ink

Teacher Of The Year

October 6, 2014
By Gabriella Rice SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Gabriella Rice SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Muhles is a special education teacher at Northshore Middle School. He likes to collect military and war items. And he is very knowledgeable on war history. He runs chess club, and he wears many different ties that show his personality. Mr. Muhles is outgoing because he helped me with school work after school. He never gave up on helping me when it came to assignments I struggled with.

He made the time before and after school to help with the homework that I did not understand. He is dedicated to helping students with their homework. He encouraged students to not procrastinate on their homework. He did not want students to fall behind in their school work. He encouraged people to be neat and organized. He encouraged me to try and advocate for myself. He wanted me to try to speak up for myself and ask for help when I need it.

When homework piled because of my bad habit of procrastination, I would get overwhelmed and Mr. Muhles was willing to listen when I needed a person to talk to. He genuinely cares about his students. Mr. Muhles is outgoing, insightful, and joyful.

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