Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

October 6, 2014
By 5eaves BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5eaves BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Confidence can solve everything

Math, one of my most hated, and worst subjects for me. Whether i gave up saying theres too many numbers, or just can't understand a new equation, me and math just never got along. But then it all changed sophomore year.

I was just entering sophomore year, and as i was looking at my new schedule i saw at the bottom i had math everyday 10th hour. My first thought was, “Oh boy i get to end each day in math, this should be fun.” Turns out, it was.

It was the end of the first day of school of sophomore year. I was almost crawling to tenth hour because the first day is always the worst. But i rounded the corner to have seeing my math teacher standing outside greeting everyone. As i am about to enter the classroom, Mr. Fechter first words to me were, “ Are ready for some math, man?!” I couldn't help but to laugh with his enthusiasm.

I took my seat, as he took his spot at the front of the classroom. Every student had their own side conversation going until Mr. Fechter said,” Ok. First things first, you only may converse with your friends as long as its about math, if not, i will come over and start talking about math with you”. From that point forward he had everyone's attention.

Mr. Fechter was a pretty funny guy, every year he would do something different, whether it was fall and he would decorate his classroom, or it was superhero day at school for homecoming week and he shaved his facial hair to look like the batman symbol. He always had something fun, funny, or ridiculous up his sleeve, which made math just all that much better.

  He always had a joke to tell, whether it was about math, or it was completely unrelated because he was having a serious, “ADD” moment. Either way he always had a good way to make us laugh, even if it was the most boring rainy day. Plus i was surprised that he could still make everyone enjoy math and be happy when we were the 10th hour class everyday.

Overall, I’d say that was my best year for math, ever. I guess all i needed was someone to give me the confidence and give a good laugh to help me do better in math. Too bad i didn't have him again senior year now, but still he was the best math teacher i had. So i just wanted to say thanks to Mr. Fechter, for giving me the best math year i have ever had, whether it was helping getting a good grade in the class or just making it the most fun math year ive ever had. Thanks. 

The author's comments:

My favorite math teacher.

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