Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 7, 2014
By ahsmitch SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahsmitch SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was the first day of the second semester during my sophomore year. I walked into Multimedia and Graphic Design, worried about the difficulty of the course. There was a new teacher I have never seen before standing in front of the room, and he immediately introduced himself to the class: “Hello everyone, I am Mr. Dahle and I will be your instructor for Multimedia and Graphic Design.”
He was  tall and young, with a beard, glasses, and dark hair. It seemed like he was fresh out of college and eager to start his new job. This made me even more worried since it was a difficult course and there was a new teacher instructing the course.
I was contemplating dropping the course considering I was not good with coding and designing. But I knew if I wanted to drop the class, I would have to do it no later than after the next class, so I decided to give the class a shot for two days. 
During those first two classes, Mr. Dahle went over the projects we would be doing and got to know the students in the class. The projects he shared seemed really fun and interesting, and Mr. Dahle was outgoing and a fun guy to be around. We were going to get to photoshop ourselves to look like a zombie, code our own website, create our own website on Google, and make video games. What kid wouldn’t want to do that? Because of this, I decided to stay in the class for the semester.
Although the projects seemed enjoyable and something I would like to know how to do, I knew they were going to be a challenge. I didn’t have any previous experience with what we were doing except for photoshop and that made me a little nervous. But as the class went on, I realized Mr. Dahle would not let us get lost. He made sure we understood everything and if we needed any help he would be there right away. Mr. Dahle made you feel more important than water to a fish.
One of the harder projects in the class was creating our own game on the computer. I was especially struggling with this one. I could not get my game to work and it seemed like everyone in the class knew what they were doing but me. I went to Mr. Dahle for help and he came to my computer and asked what I was struggling with. “Everything,” I responded. He sat down with me and walked me through how to do everything and we completed the first level of my game successfully. After that, I finished the next two levels of my game with ease. He didn’t just do the project for me or acted like it didn’t matter, he actually taught me how to do it and made sure I understood it and could do it on my own. 
Throughout Mr. Dahle’s class, I learned more about programming and editing, but I would not have passed the class without the help of Mr. Dahle. The projects were challenging, but Mr. Dahle always made sure we understood them and knew how to do what we were assigned.

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