Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 7, 2014
By melissadailey21 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
melissadailey21 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday after lunch was English class. My teacher was Mrs. Heeren. Reading and writing was never my thing, until I was put in Mrs. Heeren’s class. Mrs. Heeren made learning enjoyable, and she made me want to learn. Her was of teaching was brilliant, to me. Mrs. Heeren was and still is my favorite teacher.

I realized in her class, that even though English is hard, I could get through it.  I am a student with ADD, who learns slower than others. Mrs. Heeren understood me. She did things differently so I could understand them.

At Merton School, fifth and sixth grade teachers were the same. For those two years, I had Mrs. Heeren. I didn’t know her that well then, but when fifth grade came, I could tell it was going to be a great year, just because of the effect she had on everyone. She was a positive, a well rounded, and a genuine person.

That awkward first day came around and everybody got to know the teacher. By the end of the first week, all of her students loved her and I was one of them. She was sweet, kind and patient.

Sixth grade year was ten times better. Everyone in the class became best friends and we had a lot of good laughs in class. I will never forget the time someone in our class said he was moving. We all thought he was joking, but we soon found out he wasn’t.

Fifth and sixth grades were my favorite years of middle school. I made some of my best friends in those two years, thanks to Mrs. Heeren.

When I found out that my Seventh grade English teacher was Mrs. Heeren, I was so excited to go to class. School was enjoyable. I walked into class thinking this class was going to be easy. Truth is, it wasn’t. We took notes and had hard tests. Mrs. Heeren was sure to make it fun and interesting, though. We had a lot of great laughs in class and that made it more fun to learn. She gave me extra help whenever I need it, before, after or even during school.

That year flew by, probably because it was so much fun. I found myself learning at a faster pace, and I started to view things differently. I learned that taking notes was a good thing that made tests easier, and not so hard. Mrs. Heeren’s way of doing things was way better too. She didn’t rush me, She made me do the thinking, and she made me feel that I could reach my goals.  I was so well behaved that she let me sit at the round table in the back of the room. I learned a lot that year, well all the years actually.

Mrs. Heeren and I still talk to this day. It turns out that my aunt and her are friends. Even in our busy schedules, we find time to go out to lunch. Fifth, sixth, and seventh grade were the best years ever, All thanks to Mrs. Heeren.

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