Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 7, 2014
By abbey97 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
abbey97 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Loud, bright, and smelly, the gym is littered with players upon players of A-class teenage volleyball athletes. Each team is easily distinguished by the jerseys, indicating not only the colors, but also by the school they represent.
Volleyball was always one of my favorite sports. Arrowhead--ranked fourth in the state in 2014, and in the top 150 high schools in the nation--was a bit too advanced for my skill level (to put it nicely). Entering Arrowhead as a freshman, that was not something I was aware of; I only knew volleyball was on my list of things to be a part of.
The first day of tryouts freshman year, I heard rumors of the famous Coach Moseler, but I had never actually met her. After coming in contact with her, the rumors were proved to be false. Sure, she was intimidating at first, but aren’t all superb coaches?
After freshman season concluded, I started counting down the days until next year, hoping the junior varsity team was within my reach. When the long 339 days between seasons were up, tryouts didn’t go very well for me, and I choked.
After getting cut the first day, I got a text from a buddy on the varsity team. She told me Coach Moseler wanted to get in contact with me for a new opening! Before I even knew what the job was, I was jumping out of my shoes to say yes. And when I was informed that the position was keeping the statistics, I knew this was the job for me.
There were lots of girls who got cut and they were perfectly applicable for the position, but she chose me. Moseler seeing my potential opened up a whole new chapter for me. Just being around the sport fulfilled the empty spot in my life. She helped me appreciate all that goes into running a varsity sport. I admire and look up to her, and I know the rest of the team does too.
This year, Coach Moseler set up a tournament during the summer. This wasn’t an ordinary tournament like there is almost every weekend in Wisconsin. This particular tournament was in Disney! Moseler organized a whole five day vacation, and because of her hard work, the team bonded and was able to take home first place in a national tournament. How many coaches can say they have voluntarily given up their free time to spend a week with a bunch of teenage girls acting like children while being surrounded with overly-happy disney characters in 90 degree weather? Not many!
When Coach Moseler started her volleyball career at Arrowhead in 2007, the team was ranked 4,188th in the nation. Seven years later, the team’s ranking reached 145th. If this isn’t an indicator that she is good at her job then I don’t know what is!
Following the varsity team for three years now, I have watched good players become great players. And this would not have been the same without Moseler. From building the team up after a tough loss and encouraging while still being aggressive, to celebrating and laughing after successful wins and tournaments, Coach Moseler is the perfect coach for Arrowhead Girl’s Volleyball. She does the job justice and I can’t imagine anyone else running the program as well as her!

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