Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 7, 2014
By Johnw BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Johnw BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Muhels

It was 7th grade and at the halfway mark in middle school.  Before this year, I didn’t even know what a study hall was and I didn’t know who I would get as a teacher. Luckily for me, I was in for a big surprise. When I came into the classroom, I observed a man who was short but had the voice of a fog horn.  As a teacher, Mr. Muhels was always positive and he made be feel confident about myself.   He taught me how to approach situations with an open mind, no matter how difficult it might be.  He was a study hall teacher and was willing to help out anyone.
Many things made Mr. Muhels awesome, but what stands out in my mind, were the large amounts of  ramen stashed in his cabinets.  This was helpful whenever I needed a pick-me-up, I’d go to him.  Another  thing that made him unique, is the fact that he fought in WW2 and Vietnam.  If you were to enter his room, you would see anything from WW2 propaganda posters to gas masks. To think that this teacher served in some of the most pivotal wars in our history, makes you think of him as a hero.  On top of that, if you finished all of your homework in study hall,  you could play a variety of games including chess and cards.  While I do enjoy high school and it’s wonderful wonders, there are times when I wish I could go back to his room and maybe steal a pack of ramen noodles.
Eccentric, enthusiastic and full of energy, are words to describe Mr. Muhels.  To me, he is one of those teachers that makes you want to be back in middle school.  I thank him for helping me develop such a positive self-esteem.  He will always be remembered as one of my favorite all time people!

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