Doug Brown For Educater of the Year | Teen Ink

Doug Brown For Educater of the Year

January 8, 2015
By SerenaB BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
SerenaB BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Music and laughter ring through the band room almost all the time. Grades 4 through 12 are taught by him and he is loved by all. I have had the opportunity for the past two years to participate in Mr. Browns music classes, and I look forward for the next four years of school to spend in his class. If I could, I would stay in his class all day long. He also deserves a gold medal just for putting up with his students. This year, I think Doug Brown should be awarded The educator of the year award. 

In all honesty, Mr. Brown if my favorite teacher. I could care less about other classes. His class lets me express myself in one of the only ways I know how; Music. My Flute is basically another one of my extremities, and I take pride in my work I do in his classes. I take both middle school and high school band s my electives and am challenged and  learning a lot in his class. He has helped me take my flute playing to a whole new level, and I thank him for my success.

Not to mention, in the four bands that I am in, the three he is head of are my favorite.  He is like a friend that you can go to for anything. He is funny too, and he makes us laugh as if it was that he was being payed for.  He also teaches us about things that go into the logistics of music, like history and science aspects of it. He also teaches us life lessons. We share stories about our life and because he is an elective teacher you get a better connection than an academic teacher.

In the end, Mr. Brown is the best teacher I have had in years. I am in his room constantly, before and after school and being in his classes has made me become more social and make more friends. He is a well educated, funny, and attentive teacher, and I think he deserves recognition for all he does not just for me, but for all the other kids he teaches as well.

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