Shana Harriston | Teen Ink

Shana Harriston

January 30, 2015
By roscoeswetsuit BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
roscoeswetsuit BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One of the things I’ve always wanted to do with my life is use my height. What I mean by this is that I was tall for no reason. I didn’t play sports and I just ate and slept. My grades were ok but not great. I was always jealous of those people with their name on the announcement’s for doing great things.
I was walking in the hallway and some lady stopped me. I knew she was a new teacher but I didn’t really know her. The first thing that stood out was her voice. It was the highest voice I’d ever heard in my high school career. She asked me if I was coming to the outdoor track meeting.
I told her yes because I had nothing else to do. So I went and I thought it was pretty cool because sports and free clothes. But even after the meeting I was still nervous so I asked her what if I’m not good enough. She told me it was ok but I was still apprehensive.
So I went to the first practice. I was dead. But the whole time she sang to us and told us it was going to be ok. She was just so motherly and supportive. I just really appreciated everything she did for me.
Track season passed and it was time for volleyball. Turns out she was the new Junior Varsity coach. Guess what team I was on. Junior Varsity! I was so happy honestly. Not only did I see my favorite person.
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The author's comments:

My favorite teacher!!

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