Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 13, 2015
By aspiringwriter13 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
aspiringwriter13 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

School isn’t meant for just learning, although learning is the most important aspect. School is there to build relationships and character. And that starts when you’re young--for me, it started in second grade with a short blond hair lady. I soon came to learn, she’s a woman who never had a bad day.
Quickly I learned nothing beats a starting a positive day of school with a pleasant  but loud, “Goooooooodmoring!” followed by a tremendous big bear hug from a familiar smiling face.
Mrs. Nie, oh Mrs. Nie, no words could come even close to describing her. She is always  in action in the classroom, with the smile on her face--as soon as her voice speaks, every child's eyes dart to her. She unleashes the inner child in her to gain a connection with each student and understand the second grade mind. But nothing compares to the glow in her eyes every second she is up in front of the class teaching. Her body language, expressions, how knowledgeable she is she shows how much she loves teaching and there is nothing in the world she would rather do.
Entering second grade was scary. I was not sure who was in my class or who I would play with. If you're as shy as me, finding a friend to play with is, well, quite terrifying. But with Mrs. Nie around, there was never anything to be scared or nervous about. Today this has helped me to become more outgoing and confident in myself. I had moved schools twice in my life and having Mrs. Nie from the beginning to help me be willing to open up and jump right in to meet friends has helped me in my future to be out going to meet people when times are much more pressured.   
Walking past our class, all you would hear was giggling second graders. We all work together with each other on projects and Mrs. Nie was always right there in with us working on our projects. She bonding with each of her students creating relationships getting to know each of our personalities. The one project engraved in my my brain was our city project. The entire floor became our city. Each of us had buildings to create and we had to create roads weaved throughout the city past every building. I remember Mrs. Nie getting down on her hands and knees coming down to our height helping us draw out the roads and create a layout for the city. At the end, showing off our hard work to our parents the joy on Mrs. Nie’s face for what we had accomplished working together she knew this is why she came to teach every day.
I can say my second grade year I became a very knowledgeable student, my expertise being in meeting new people instead of hiding in my little turtle shell. Every year that she teached at North Lake School after my second grade year I always had to take a visit down to Mrs. Nie’s room to get my big hug and catch up with her. As of today I do not get to see Mrs. Nie as much as I would love to but I am always have her in the back of my mind reminding me what a beautiful smile I had. When in times of meeting new people she is always there with her hand on my shoulder giving me the

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