Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

March 13, 2015
By Anonymous

Every time I walked into my math classes, I was afraid I would be unable to understand a thing my teacher would say--but all that changed when I got Mr. Brengosz as my geometry teacher. Everything in geometry and every other class became a lot easier for me to understand when I got into his class.

Learning something that looks like something only a scientist can understand can be very intimidating, but my teacher made it possible to understand. I was shaking in my shoes, afraid I was never going to understand the complicated procedures but my teacher made me glad to be wrong.

Mr. Brengosz showed me geometry isn’t something you should be afraid of. Many of the things that people in my school say about math and geometry were scary at first, but Mr. Brengosz helped me through it, like how to measure how much you will need exactly to cover a house and how much wood you need in order to build a new building. We did everything with things people do in real life instead of the stupid child stuff they use in the text books like “how much water can a cup hold.

It’s hard to be able to learn everything being taught to you all day for five days in a row, but the sheer curiosity of what will we do today or “todays fact” kept me on my awake and energetic throughout the day. His “fact of the day” was like the thrilling end to a blockbuster movie, because it wasn’t something like “cows make milk” but actual interesting stuff like how Halloween came to be or mammoth shrimps that kill with sound bubbles by closing their claws, and made not only my geometry class fun, but every other class easier for me to concentrate in.

He not only made things easy to understand, but he also managed to keep me awake
and focused during my last class period of the day. It was hard to stay focused when I knew I was about to go home very soon but Mr. Brengosz made his class so fun that I wanted my last class more and more. And not because it meant that at the end I got to go home and play video games but, because I actually got to learn something that I wouldn’t forget the day after the test.

You can learn for a small period of time for a test, but it’s nearly impossible to learn something like geometry and be able to remember it after the semester finals. This
however, was not impossible for Mr. Brengosz. He always made things so much easier by always going over everything twice and always lending a helping hand early in the morning and morning on the day of a test. Had he done none of this, then I would’ve never passed basic geometry without Mr. Brengosz. 

The author's comments:

Ab amazing teacher.

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